iOL – inlingua Online Learning

iOL – inlingua Online Learning


inlingua Online Learning is a web based learning tool which supports classroom learning. The tool consists of a vast collection of interactive multimedia activities which can complement your English, French, Italian, Spanish and German language learning studies at the IAEA.


General content

iOL includes an extensive range of varied exercises and reference material and is designed to help with the acquisition of vocabulary, the development of speaking and listening skills, increasing grammatical understanding, and exercising the functional language. iOL is available for A1 to C1 CEFL levels. Online courses can be made available based on your entry level.


Accordingly, the most important general sections of iOL are:


  • Workbook: numerous exercises adjusted to CEFL levels.
  • Communications: message system to communicate with trainers and language learners, includes the special feature of online correction of writing tasks
  • Grammar Book: references and exercises conveniently sorted by topic and inlingua levels
  • Speak & Listen: situational language, narratives, phrase book and recordings
  • Vocabulary: numerous vocabulary exercises
  • Dictionaries: all consulted vocabulary in the dictionary is saved and allows automatic generation of personalized vocabulary exercises at any time



Language learner’s benefits

Are you traveling frequently and find it hard to learn a language since you sometimes miss classes? Not a problem anymore! inlingua Online Learning is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from anywhere in the world from any computer which is connected to the internet.

Extra motivation

The attractive tool contains an extensive range of varied exercises. Moreover, the excellent

communication system allows easy communication with trainers and fellow language learners, and offers lots of fun to the user.


Registration and Fees

The inlingua Online Learning tool (iOL) can be booked in our office F0979, and by email ( Fees for iOL are:


4 weeks:          € 15,00

16 weeks:        € 49,00


For course participants who are enrolled in a Semester course, using with inlingua teaching material (inlingua books) in English, French, Italian, Spanish or German, the online tool can be made available and supplements the material for the course.


*Course costs do not include materials.